Friday 7 November 2014

Sausage Gravy with Biscuits and Prawns (by G)

Ever since I discovered that sausage gravy is a thing, some days ago, I have been trying to come up with a perfect pairing for it. My initial idea, obviously, was to pair it with sausages - that seemed too much like a trap. Then I remembered the delightful southern biscuits Biggs made the other day - that seemed just the thing. Biscuits and sausage gravy didn't seem like much of a meal so I decided to cook up some prawns to go along.

The gravy is easy to make, fry up the innards of a few pork sausages, add some flour, some milk, salt and pepper and cook until thick and gravy like.  The prawns were also easy to prepare - boil some water, add some old bay seasoning, drop in the prawns and extract them exactly 4 minutes later.

The biscuits seemed easy at first - I used exactly the same recipe Biggs did. I did forget to read the recipe all the way though and assumed they would rise into nice tall biscuits. Apparently they don't really rise at all and the dough should have been about an inch thick before cutting and baking. My dough was about half a centimetre thick so the resulting biscuits were very flat and disappointing. It's a bit galling that Biggs is better at biscuit making than me. I'm tempted to try and make them again just to prove that I can...

1 comment:

Biggs said...

Turns out sausage gravy is an excellent excellent thing. The prawns too were perfectly cooked.

It's a shame G didn't get me to make the biscuits. I'm fucking great at making them.