Monday 17 November 2014

Fake Spaghetti Bolognaise (By G)

To be honest, I was having fun cooking vegetarian dishes for a while this spaghetti bolognaise was a step too far though. There's some kind of non-soy (possibly fungus based) mince substitute on the market - it looks a lot like meat mince so I thought I'd get some and make a traditional bolognaise sauce with it.
Carrots, onions, celery, tomato paste, tinned tomatoes, herbs from a jar, some fake chicken stock - I even added some porcini mushrooms and their soaking liquid for a little more flavour. And some red wine - I meant to add that at the start but forgot so added it near the end of the cooking time which is not ideal.
I was pretty confident that this was going to be a good meal - it turned out not to be so. It was okay, edible certainly, but the fake mince had a strange texture (I don't know if you're supposed to simmer it the way I did) and tasted faintly of cinnamon (which was unpleasant on my taste buds).
The cheap garlic bread was good, I would like to have had more of that but I accidentally left the second loaf in the oven and it burned.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

Hmmm....neither G or I finished out mince but the pasta was nice.