Sunday 30 November 2014

Fried Chicken Necks (by G)

At the moment I'm trying to keep my meat intake to a sustainable level (about 111 grams per day) just to see what the future holds for mankind.  I've since realised that if I'm willing to eat the bits of the animal that most other people are not then I can probably eat as much as I like. Chicken necks, I think, fall into this category.

All I did is marinate the necks in a mix of fresh coriander, garlic, lime zest and juice, sriracha and olive oil then put them into a low oven to cook them through and get them nice and tender.  After that I let them cool, dusted them in a mix of flour, garlic powder and onion powder then fried them to a golden brown colour and crispy texture in some peanut oil.  The result, if I do say so myself, was wonderful.  Fried chicken necks are delicious, not the meatiest part of the chicken for sure, but still plenty meaty.

On a deliciousness scale of 1 to 100 where one is Choko and 100 is pork ribs I would rate chicken necks a 98 - they are truly the pork ribs of the chicken world.  If I had drive and vision I would open a market stall selling fried chicken necks (with a healthy markup because they are so cheap). Within a couple of years I would have a worldwide chain of chicken neck stores. At that point I would retire.

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