Thursday 11 December 2014

Hot Smoked Salmon and Potato Salad (by G)

I was passing through the markets on my way home from work on Wednesday and saw (and smelled) a stall selling smokies (smoked fish). I should really have just bought one and had it for dinner but stubbornly decided on mediocre corn fritters.

Today I realised I couldn't go another day without some hot-smoked fish - unfortunately the market is a Wednesday only thing so I had to hunt some down from a supermarket.  Despite being mass produced by some evil corporation the smoked salmon was pretty delicious. I served it at room temperature with a basic warm potato salad. Just potatoes and spring onions - I did put a little twist on it by making a dressing consisting of kewpie mayonnaise and sriracha. Technically that is just the same dressing I used for the seafood cocktail tortillas the other day but it is a surprisingly versatile dressing.

You may notice the slice of bread in the photo - I believe sliced white bread is an essential component of any smoked fish/potato salad meal.

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