Tuesday 16 December 2014

Pumpkin Pasta (by Biggs)

After three and a half weeks of travel for work, tonight, I was finally on my way home for a least a weeks worth of normality before Christmas fun commences. The best bit of work travel is that my travel companion Nick is a high flying member of the Qantas Club so I've been leveraging free beer privileges along the way.

I've been too bashful to date to start pocketing fruit and biscuits at will but did seriously consider taking a bite or two out of a wheel of Brie tonight. The only thing that held me back was Nick's confidence that we would be fed on the plane.

He was right. I selected a pumpkin pasta with a cheese sauce which was surprisingly satisfying. More satisfying was that the crew had seemingly taken it upon themselves to chose me as a pawn in their game of "drunk passaenger.....to the max". They continually plied me with wine and encouraged my boozy "wit", before settling it down with packets of soy snacks, then setting it off again with more wine. Things got a bit confusing from this point on but, like I said, dinner....satisfying.

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