Monday 29 December 2014

Hotdogs (by G)

I was really hankering for something fresh like a chicken/salad wrap for dinner forgetting that I had already committed myself to having hotdogs - in the interests of getting rid of the footy-franks that have been kicking around in the freezer since I made Korean Army Base Stew.

I elevated the hotdogs somewhat by serving them with fried onion with red capsicum and crispy hickory smoked bacon. I did consider shaving on some smoked cheddar but thought that would be taking the decadence a bit too far.

The franks themselves were the least appetising aspect of dinner - I'm not sure why, they were made from 'finely ground meat - including pork'.  I love 'including pork'.

Anyway, I thought I would get through 6 of these hotdogs but my stomach gave in at 3 so I ate the rest of the crispy bacon and saved the fried onion and capsicum for another day.

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