Thursday 13 June 2013

Changjorim (by G)

Sticking with my current trend of using up the leftover meat from the 6-in-1 barbecue I decided tonights dinner would utilise the left over beef cubes - and I thought Korea would know what best to do with it.

Changjorim is basically beef stewed in soy sauce - 1 part soy, 4 parts water, 2 green chilies, 2 whole cloves garlic and a dash of sugar simmered for 2 hours (I also added a teaspoon of the reddish stuff in the tub with the Korean writing on it that we keep in our frige).  For the last 5 minutes a boiled egg was added to the pot.

I a brilliant stoke of forethought I bougt some kim chi from the asian grocer on my way home from work - unfortunatley, despite looking brilliant, it was quite bland.

I don't know how to make rice cakes but I boiled off some rice, formed it with a cookie cutter, sprayed it with olive oil and oven roasted it until crispy and it turned out pretty well.

The Changjorim was really tasty, the chilli didn't add much heat - more a capsicumy aroma. As you'd expect it was salty as shit but it is meant as a side dish... and I can handle a lot of salt.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

We own a cookie cutter?