Friday 21 June 2013

Kimchi, Mince and Rice (by G)

When the work day was done and my mental energy turned to dinner I thought I'd like to try something with pork mince and rice - not fried rice but a mix of browned mince and boiled rice - the texture should be interesting. I remembered we have quite a bit of kimchi that needs eating so I wondered what pork mince, rice and kimchi would be like... sadly I still don't know - my mind was on something else at the supermarket and somehow I ended up with lamb mince instead of pork...  I didn't realize this mis-step until I was too far through cooking to change the dish.

Anyway, I browned off the lamb mince, added some jalapeno chillies from a jar, kimchi from a tub, tabouleh (and whatever else Biggs had mixed into it yoghurt, olives, tomatoes) from a tub (for an added layer of grainy texture), sriracha (for extra heat), boiled rice and a dash of soy sauce for seasoning.  Sounds disgusting... actually wasn't - though I think pork mince would have been better.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

This looks odd.