Thursday 31 October 2013

Black Wagyu Ramen (by Biggs)

After work I was heading to the Old Museum with Bonnie to see the ever-charming, ridiculously talented Dan Sultan.

We decided to have some dinner first and it was a somewhat shambolic experience. We were headed to a Japanese cafe I often frequent but got distracted on the way by a flashy new Japanese restaurant with a trendy hipster vibe. Mistake.

Between the incompetent waitstaff, shortage of supplies in the kitchen and a very complicated ordering / paying / food delivery system I was pretty frazzled. Even more frazzled when I ordered ramen only to be told the ramen restaurant had no ramen. But, it turns out if you pay enough ($33!) they will infact rustle you up a beer and a bowl of ramen.

I'm not scared to pay generously for Japanese food. In fact G and I have been known to sink a far chunk of life-savings into this habit but this was not the time and definitely not the place!

The ramen was actually quite good - savoury and served in a giant bowl - but I really do wish we'd just gone to a dingy, hole-in-the-wall place.

All I can say is.....Thank Fuck Dan Sultan saved the day.....ever-charming, ridiculously talented.

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