Friday 25 October 2013

Ox Heart Tortillas* (by G)

I've been thinking about getting a bit more authentic with the tortillas lately and when I discovered that the local supermarket sold Ox heat (which I suspect is just beef heart) I decided to go that way.

I was surprised at how small the heart was, until I got it out of the packet and discovered I'd only bought a couple of strips of the whole beast... luckily.

Given that the heart was already cut down there was not too much trimming to do - just slicing off the outside and the inside - then I cut it pretty thin, fried the shit out of it in smoking hot oil, added paprika, cumin, garlic powder, salt, white pepper, pre-fried onions, red chilli, cognac, vinegar and coriander (all to get a little flavour into the meat incase it proved unpalatable). After it was bowled up I added some parsley (by mistake - I thought it was coriander) and packet fried onion.

I went pretty bold on the sauce as well - avocado, salt, coriander, lime, red onion and a whole green chilli.  The tortillas themselves were hand rolled - hence the irregular shapes - they turned out pretty good.

For me, the heart was a bit meaty. Biggs seemed to enjoy it (I didn't tell her before-hand that we were eating Ox heart) so, unless she is better at bluffing than I realised, there will be more heart in our future.

*Made with heart, not love.
**The photo was taken in haste so it didn't get cold and more weird. Sorry for the blurriness.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

It's true, until now I didn't know we were eating Ox hearts. I like to think I'm not too sensitive about such matters but I certainly wouldn't have expected that I would enjoy it as much as I did. I really did. The texture was great and the meatiness went great with the chili and avocado.

If tortillas weren't such a pain in the arse for G to make I would love to move Tortilla Tuesday to Fridays. A glass (bottle) of wine and 16 tortillas are a perfect start to the weekend.

G claims these were not made with love but my friends claim that he only cooks this well because he loves his little sister.