Wednesday 9 October 2013

Dirty Rice (by G)

I like sausages, the difficult thing is to come up with different ways of serving them. Luckily Biggs owns a copy of 'Sausage - A country-by-country photographic guide with recipes' by Nichola Fletcher.  It has sausage recipes.

Dirty Rice is a Cajun dish, normally made with chicken giblets - this recipe called for chicken livers.  I, personally, have never met a liver I like... the metallic taste and weird grainy texture does not thrill me.  Even better, I couldn't buy any less than 4 times as much liver as I needed for the recipe.

Anyway, the dirty rice is made from fried onion, green and red capsicums, celery, garlic, chilli, paprika and coriander, livers and sausages (I used beef/pork chevups - skinless and delicious). Once all those things were good and fried I added rice and stock then popped it all in the oven for 40 minutes.  When it came out of the oven I stirred through fresh parsley, thyme and oregano and served it up with some nice bread. The recipe also called for a green salad as a side - sadly our lettuce had frozen so I only used some of the less solid bits.

This was pretty good, the liver is definitely there but joyously overpowered by the other flavours.

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