Friday 11 October 2013

Steak and Pâté Sandwich (by G)

Yesterday I made some pâté out of the left over chicken livers from the dirty rice dish the day before. The pâté turned out pretty well (mainly due to the addition of bacon and shallot I think) - the only issue being that I made too much for regular human consumption. I figured the way around this was to add it to a sandwich (normally I would recommend putting any left over animal parts in a pie but adding them to a sandwich is acceptable in some cases).

I was a bit tipsy when I made the sandwiches so they do not appear to be very appealing but they were not too bad. Underneath the tomato is some caramelised onion - I was going to add lettuce as well, I didn't think the sandwich would be manageable if I added it, so I left the lettuce off.

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