Saturday 8 March 2014

Beef and Seven Vegetable Pasties (by Biggs)

Tonight I made beef and seven vegetable pasties, then I added an extra vegetable making dinner beef and EIGHT vegetable pasties. The vegetables were onion, carrot, potato, peas, corn, tomato, spinach and zucchini. There was also salt, pepper, garlic, parsley and Worcestershire sauce for flavour.

I couldn't find any shortcrust pastry so I used puff pastry which means the pasties ended up the size of my head. Even with all those vegetables there weren't super flavourful but served with tomato sauce and sriracha they were very edible.

The only tricky bit was that in the Queensland heat the puff pastry went from frozen to almost unusable in about 6.3 seconds but I pushed on dedicated to the cause. A little cheese on top, dinner done.

1 comment:

G said...

As one Robin Hood ballad of the 1300's says: "Thys knight swolewed, in throte noght pering/ More then doth a pastay in onen tryly!".

That pretty much sums it up.