Thursday 6 March 2014

Pizza (by Biggs)

This photo very clearly tells the story of what went down in our household tonight. I was in charge of dinner today but at 5:06 pm I sent G a text saying "I can't make dinner tonight. Pizza?"

Then G took the reins and ordered and paid for some pizza to be delivered to our house. I've since paid him back so I think I can still technically claim this as me providing dinner. And, I've already done the washing up.

The pizzas were "great". Said it right there on the box. But, honestly, they were pretty good. Better than anything I'd planned to cook. The best bit is that I have a left over pizza and cola breakfast to look forward to in the morning.

1 comment:

G said...

You eat with your eyes - the photo tells the story.

Biggs is going to pay for this dinner in vegetable consumption.