Wednesday 26 March 2014

Chicken Korma (by Biggs)

I've had "Indian" on my dinner ideas list for a while now but couldn't really build on the idea further than that. Fortunately it turns out the supermarkets stock Indian in a jar for cheap. I've been feeling like a bit of a lazy cooking week (just like every other week) so decided Indian from a jar was completely acceptable.

In my defense it was just the base curry that came in a jar. I totally had to add stuff. Like.....chicken.....and onion.....and cream.....and flaked almonds.

I did have a last minute freak out that adding so much cream to dinner would result in a second dessert meal in as many days. No one wants that so I panic purchased some yoghurt from the corner store on my way home. I did do a little research before my panic purchase and the Internet seemed to think yoghurt was a good idea. All the cyber folk suggested using yoghurt as a base then adding a tablespoon of cream to finish the Korma. Except for suggested I was actually looking to research my Karma.....probably advisable.

Dinner was fine.....the sauce only split a little bit. I served it with packet chapati which tasted exactly like packet tortillas....comforting.

1 comment:

G said...

I would like a good karma, I've never had one before and tonight was no exception.

Dinner was pretty good though. I have a bit of cold so my sense of smell and taste is not what it was but I ate it with my eyes and the spice level was excellent.