Sunday 23 March 2014

Steak with Cafe de Paris Butter and Sweet Potato Fries (by G)

Time to class up Sunday with Café de Paris butter. I'm not sure how I came across it - it's just butter with chives, garlic, anchovy, parsley, Dijon mustard, capers, salt and pepper.

The steak was simply seasoned and fried - the vexing thing was that the steak I got was pretty irregular in sizes and thicknesses which made it pretty hard to cook evenly. I guess the main thing is that it is tasty and my ragged piece certainly was.

The sweet potato fries were oiled and salted and peppered and cumined then oven baked on the highest heat the oven can go to after turning them and cooking for another 20 minutes I transferred them to the grill to try to get them crispy.  Unfortunately that is impossible.  I have never had a crispy sweet potato fry - they burn before they get crispy.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

I had a sneaking suspicion we were having steak and chips for dinner and I was quite excited. I should have anticipated they would be sweet potato chips since G commented he got a giant sweet potato yesterday. They were good but I agree, know one knows how to crisp them up. The butter was absolutely sensational. In fact I'm having a little more for dessert.