Tuesday 25 March 2014

Dessert Tortillas (by G)

I didn't intend to make dessert tortillas - I meant to make a simple chicken mole tortilla with guacamole.

The first bit went excellently - blending a mix of cooked onion and garlic with some chillies I had toasted and deseeded, one and a half mini tortillas, cumin, oregano, chicken stock and peanut butter then simmering it for a bit. I then fried off some chicken tenders, chopped them up and added them to the sauce. At this stage the sauce was awesome, fragrant and tasty - adding chocolate (which is what you do with a mole) undid all that - like adding an elephant steak to a dainty cucumber sandwich.

The result wasn't exactly sweet, but it wasn't very pleasant.  The guacamole didn't turn out too well either. The avocado wasn't ripe so I had to make it with tiny tomatoes instead. It was not as good as real guacamole. 

With all that not very difficult work I decided not to hand make the tortillas - instead I got some little commercial ones. Surprisingly they were quite irregular in shape.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

I don't mind a square of chocolate now and then but it turns out I mind it a great deal in my tortillas. If dinner didn't smell of sickly sweet it might have been good because the peanut flavour really came through....but sort of in a snickers bar type way. G is not to blame. He's started eating fruit and I think it's starting to ferment his brain.