Thursday 5 June 2014

Best Basic Vegetable Soup (by Biggs)

For my birthday Nancy gave me a brilliant soup zine called 'Stock Tips'....part gift, part inspiration as to what Tortilla Tuesday could one day be. Tonight is the first time I've cooked from it and it was a grand success. I chose a soup recipe by Amy Plitt called The Best Basic Vegetable Soup.

The recipe is onion, celery, carrot, garlic, tomatoes, beans, stock, spinach, bay leaves, Italian spices, sriracha, salt, pepper and pasta. Her advice is to put it all in a pot, leave it alone for a while, taste it, if it tastes good (which it is guaranteed to) - eat it.

I like this Amy Plitt lady because her recipe is specific but then goes on to advise how you can adapt the soup. The adaptation options are: use any veggies you want, any beans you want, don't use tomatoes if you don't want to, don't use pasta if you don't want to but, that you absolutely must, 100%, no questions asked, use the sriracha.

G had an annoying day today so, as a treat, I added some fried ham and served the soup with garlic bread.

I don't know who Amy Plitt is but I like her! I like her soup even more.

1 comment:

G said...

It may be hard to believe that something so simple could be so tasty - and yet it is so.

The only thing that could have improved it would have been some ribbons of fried ham on top - oh, wait, it had that too!