Saturday 21 June 2014

Roast Beef (by Biggs)

It's the weekend so I thought a roast dinner was in order!

I lazily bought a mini-roast of beef from the supermarket and cooked it in the oven for an hour. I also wrapped up some potato quarters in alfoil and put them in the oven for the same period.

While the beef was resting I fried the potatoes in a winning combination of butter and duck fat, steamed some broccoli.and mixed up half a litre of packet gravy. Half a litre may seem like a lot but the beef mysteriously leached it all up on the plate so I think it was a good decision.

Disgustingly, when I cut of the net of elasticised string off the beef it flicked cooked beef skin and oil all over me. Gross. Dinner, on the other hand, was not gross.

1 comment:

G said...

A Sunday roast on Saturday?

What an excellent idea - it's psychologically like having an extended weekend.

The potatoes and copious amount of gravy were my favourite things.