Thursday 19 June 2014

Ham Steaks, Corn, Potatoes and Kale Chips (by Biggs)

I knew I was going to be home from work late tonight so I planned something simple for dinner.....big slabs of pig.

To compliment the ham steaks I cooked up some corn, mashed some potatoes and baked some kale.

Nancy sent me home with the left over kale from the other night so I decided to turn it into chips. I was pretty surprised that with a bit of oil and salt the kale really does crisp up. Unfortunately, I salted the chips before and after baking so they got a little too salty but, good.

When I got the kale out of the bag I noticed Nancy had sent me home with the left over thyme as well so I decided to mix it through the mashed potato....along with a stick of butter.

1 comment:

G said...

I've tried to make kale chips before - it didn't work out for me. Biggs' chips were super crispy.

I don't know what they put into ham steaks (certainly not pork) but they hit the spot tonight.