Monday 16 June 2014

Orecchiette with Butter Bean Sauce and Vegetables (by Biggs)

Nancy invited me over for dinner tonight and I never pass up the chance of a home-cooked someone else's home. And, I never pass up the chance of hanging out with my friend Nancy.

Dinner was orecchiette (quickly becoming my favourite cut of pasta) with a butter bean sauce and some vegetables. The butter beans were wizzed up then cooked off with some garlic, thyme and cream with broccoli, peas and kale. Lots of pepper and cheese was added. It was delicious and I scored the left-overs for lunch.

Because Nancy had a dinner guest (even if it was just me) she decided to make dessert. I'm not entirely sure when she did this in amongst cooking dinner, feeding me wine, entertaining and bathing her kids, getting the dog fed and listening to me drivel on with useless crap but she did. I don't understand the physics of self-saucing puddding and, since I drank wine instead of helping, I still don't. It's a magic beast. We enjoyed it with a glass of sticky sherry. Life is pretty good sometimes.

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