Tuesday 17 February 2015

Chicken Parmigiana (by Biggs)

This isn't Golden Chicken! I'm very disappointed that this isn't Golden Chicken. I swore next time I went to Hervey Bay I would have Golden Chicken. What's Golden Chicken you may ask? Golden Chicken is an amazing take away chain shop, if three stores make a chain that is. G and I went through a significant stage of spending our days eating Golden Chicken and playing mini-golf. I have no idea how we had time to do this or money to support such a lifestyle but it was a good time. They had excellent little chicken wings and when you ordered 8 they would give you about 20.

I was in Hervey Bay for work today so was very much looking forward to re-living the glory days. Alas my wish was not fulfilled.

I let Anita know I would be in Hervey Bay and she gave me the very exciting news that our friend Rachada, who lives in New York, would be in town as well so a very rare catch up was arranged. Rach is married to an amazing chef and lives a life of eating in high profile restaurants every evening. She seemed less than impressed with my suggestion of Golden Chicken and cask wine in my hotel room and suggested instead we should have a proper dignified sit down dinner together.

We headed to the classiest place in town - the Beachhouse Bistro. I ordered a very cheese parmy and was supremely satisfied. Even more satisfying was my $5 pint of beer. Regional Queensland sure does have it's positive points.

So good to see you Rach!

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