Tuesday 3 February 2015

Chicken Tortillas with Nacho Cheese (by G)

No finesse here. A salsa of cucumber, poblano chilli, red chilli and coriander, some lemon juice (I mistakenly thought I had a lime) and some salt. I don't know why I didn't buy a red onion - that would have kicked the salsa up a bit.

The chicken was just chicken tenders seasoned with salt and pepper and griddled. My original intention was to inject the cheese sauce inside the chicken and then crumb the tenders but as soon as I saw the irregular shapes of the chicken pieces I quickly decided that that would not work - it would also have been a lot more work.

To make the cheese sauce I first made a roux of butter and flour (with some paprika) and added butter milk. I bought the butter milk by mistake a couple of days ago but 'waste not want not'.  To the thick white sauce I added some packet cheddar I had in the freezer (a seasonal local product) and the rest of a jar of salsa I had in the fridge.

The sauce didn't have the requisite kick so I added some sriracha... then a different type of sriracha, then some savoury chilli sauce and finally some Mexican tomato sauce - that finally did the trick.

I don't know why we haven't had nacho cheese on tortillas before... hell, I don't know why we haven't had nacho cheese on everything before. This was not a good version but good enough to convince me of the merits of nacho cheese sauce.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

I don't know why we haven't had nacho cheese on tortillas before... hell, I don't know why we haven't had nacho cheese on everything before.