Monday 2 February 2015

Sausage Sizzle (by Biggs)

We had a State Election on Saturday and neither of the polling booths that G and I went to had a sausage sizzle going....a violation of our human rights.

I rectified this tonight with a simple dinner of sausages, fried onions and white bread. I think G did very well not to complain that there were only four sausages on offer to him.

1 comment:

G said...

I like sausages. Everyone likes sausages, even vegans (though they probably perfer vegan sausages). It is an outrage in this day and age not to be able to acquire an overcooked sausage on cheap white bread after completing your civic duty. I'm going to vote for Biggs next election, she has her priorities straight (sorry pirate party).