Tuesday 10 February 2015

Steak Tortillas (by G)

Biggs was unexpectedly delayed at work and was not home to make my dinner so I tortilla'd on the fly.

I had steak, onion, capsicum and sriracha so I combined all those things with a sizzle.

It's probably a good thing that I used the steak when I did, it was one of the unpleasant, very expensive, shrink wrapped things that I bought prior to Christmas. To counteract the spongy texture I first fried it whole then sliced it thin and fried it at a very high heat with the onion and red capsicum. I added some vegetable stock for flavour and was going to add cheese but decided against it for once - too heavy.

I was fortunate to find three mini tortilla wraps in the freezer to meet the theme. The sriracha was the classic rooster brand, I've had a lot of sriracha brands in the recent past - I don't recall the rooster band being so mild and hard to control. I sure did blob it on there.

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