Saturday 14 February 2015

Kilkenny Stew and Dumplings (by Biggs)

I bought a Guinness for a friend during after work beers this week which got me thinking that Guinness stew might be a thing. After a quick search I discovered it is most definitely a thing and a thing you can serve with dumplings.

The idea of dumplings really appeals to me but these ones were terrible....dense and dumpy and raw.....basically inedible. Disappointing since I made about 20 of them.

The stew was not much better. I don't know how veges, meat, stock and beef could have gone so wrong but this stew was very reminiscent of the cheap, watery, celery-laden stews of my youth that I hated so much.

Admittedly I did end up using Kilkenny instead of Guinness and appreciate they're very different beers but you won't see me blaming the beer for this disastrous mess.

1 comment:

G said...

Biggs misremembers - the stews of our youth were rich and flavourful. Recent stews however... Actually this stew was not as bad a Biggs makes out. The dumps were huge and a bit raw, they were certainly not a highlight.