Monday 23 February 2015

Jane's Pizza Roll (by G)

This is my second attempt at a classic from my childhood - unfortunately this version was not righ either. There does not appear to be a complete recipe on the internet and I have misplaced the Gabriel Gate cookbook that it comes from (which I think may actually belong to Biggs).

The internet was able to point me in the right direction with regards to fillings (though not quantities). Into this version went spring onions, green olives, strasbourg (the recipe calls for salami but Mum always used this bland, pale meat substitute and it goes very well), mozarella cheese, tomato paste, worcestershire sauce and dried oregano.

First off I didn't make enough bread dough so the crust was very thin and hard to contain the ingredients in. Secondly, I added too much tomato paste - it overpowered all the other ingredients. Despite these setbacks I am edging ever closer to a correct Jane's Pizza roll recipe.


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