Tuesday 10 February 2015

Spicy Chicken Tostadas (by Biggs)

Work is a bit discombobulated this week! There are people visiting from interstate, other organisations, colleagues from regional centres and consultants in town for training. I thought at some stage this week I would be involved in hosting a dinner or at least ensuring everyone was fed, watered and back safely in their hotel rooms by bed time. I'd warned G this was the case and I may not be home to cook or eat dinner at some stages through this week.

So, I can't say that I hosted any sort of work related dinner tonight but I did bail on making dinner for G last minute to drink beers with Nick and a friend of his. Luckily we bedded down in a city bar that was offering a menu adhering to Tortilla Tuesday requirements.

I went with chicken tostadas, spilt one all over myself, gave the other one to Nick then concentrated on drinking beer. I had serious order envy when I saw the corn on the cob and nachos but life is still okay.

I suspected the tomatoes were a little bit too ripe on the tostadas but the bar lady later admitted to me they were being over-run by fruit-flies for an entirely acceptable reason.....bar staff too drunk to seperate the rotting apples and tomatoes out from the non-rotting ones. This is an acceptable excuse as far as I'm concerned. The place was advertised as a dive bar after all....authentico (that's Spanish for authentic).

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