Saturday 2 August 2014

Mussel Chowder (by Biggs)

I very rarely read the newspaper but when I bought one a couple of weeks ago for the shrimp boil I felt obliged to have a flick through. Not a bad plan because it gave me two new dinner ideas, this being one of them. Mussel chowder.

I've wanted to cook mussels for ages now but feared they wouldn't make a filling enough dinner. G heard me clanking them into the sink early in the cooking process and immediately accused me of planning to poison him. I got pretty defensive but in truth that is the second reason I've put off cooking mussels. They have a bad rap for poisoning people what with the paralytic seafood poisoning and all but these ones seemed fairly free of dinoflagellates and were 'certified organic' what ever that means.

The mussels were cooked off in some vegetable broth and removed. The resulting seafood broth had fried bacon and leeks added as well as some potatoes, corn, lemon rind, cream and parsley. Once it looked chowdery good I put the mussels back in and served it with a giant pile of toasted bread.

Yesterday G declared the thought we should introduce a side of bread with every meal. It seems to me like a great idea so I plan to keep that up for a while.


Unknown said...

Fuck this was good. I would have liked more bacon - but that's the thing about balance, sometimes you have to exercise restraint to make the whole meal taste good.

Unknown said...

...and it appears Biggs didn't poison either of us so I say, 'Bravo'.