Saturday 3 August 2013

Bacon and Eggs (by Biggs)

Tonight I had some friends over for dinner. I would probably go as far as saying I hosted a dinner party. I love cooking for friends but am both lazy and anxious to make people happy resulting in me not actually doing this too often. 

But, my friends Amanda and Mike were recently engaged, my friends Fi and Dan are soon to be married and celebrations in our world call for bacon. 

Now, when I said I hosted a dinner party in fact really all I did was fry up some bacon and provide cutlery and glassware. Fi and Dan excelled themselves. 

For entree Dan made the gastronomic specialty of tarte flambee - thin homemade dough, coated in creme fraiche (note: containing 30 - 40% butterfat), butter caramalised onions, homemade prosciutto, fatty speck and gruyere cheese. Sensibly he made two so I've got plenty left over for breakfast. It was phenomenal....and, he assured us, very healthy. 

For dinner I made bacon and eggs. By this stage I was too tipsy to attempt poaching 5 eggs so went with fried bacon, boiled eggs with Fi's famous tomato relish, spinach with balsamic reduction and a large mushroom filled with a mix of tomatoes, parsley and chorizo. We were all pretty full by this stage but bacon is just so good and I was pretty happy with my genius plan of stuffing a mushroom with chorizo. 

For dessert Fi made a black sticky gingerbread. Fuck yeah she did. I was worried it was going to be too rich and turn us all into our graves before midnight but the ginger was refreshing and this was a perfect end to a delightful dinner. 

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