Thursday 8 August 2013

Pink Rice and Pig Oinks (by G)

There's an expression 'to use the whole pig except the oink'. I discovered last night that the industrious ladies at Shop 3, Food Court 2, Mo Chit Bus Station, Bangkok have discovered how to use the 'oink' as well - because whatever I ate last night, it was not meat.

As I was about to take a bus I didn't have much option but to eat at the bus station and, having reviewed the options, I (incorrectly) decided to get my meal from this place because they had fried eggs - and in my opinion a meal is not complete without a fried egg.

I thought it would be cool to get some of the pink rice - I don't know that it is different to regular white rice but it seems more fun.  There were a few choices of what to go with it - I decided against bus station fish and  went with the pork.  There was a bit of trouble when I went to pay for the meal - I wasn't sure what the difficulty was until someone else came up to order and showed me that you have to pre-purchase vouchers for payment - so I left my dinner cooling on the bench while I dashed off to get some vouchers... at least I knew the exact value I needed to buy.

To complete my meal I topped it with some hot looking chilli sauce and some powder that I think was pepper.  The rice was okay - it had little shrimps in it which was a nice touch.  The egg was good, though a little opaque on top. The pork was about 110% gristle and very unpleasant to eat.

For this meal at least it was a case of 'get it down before it gets you down'.

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