Tuesday 13 August 2013

Laab Xong Kheuang (by G)

I was walking down the street in Vientiane this evening and it began to rain. Though it was still early I ducked into a restaurant - when the rain stopped about 3 minutes later I was already committed to having dinner, despite it still being light out.

The laab is a duck meat dish with fish sauce, lime (I think) and herbs (predominantly mint) along with some beans and cucumber. The best thing was the little pieces of crispy fried duck skin and fried garlic.  Along with the laab I got some pork spring-rolls. I was disappointed when they came out because they were fresh spring-rolls, not the deep fried kind. In hindsight though they probably were a good option given I'm suffering from sunstroke.

I also got glutenous rice as a side - it came in cool basket. Unfortunately it had been steamed some time before Laos gained independence and had congealed into a dense, dry ball.

  I don't think my meal comes with a song... sorry.

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