Tuesday 6 August 2013

Quail Egg Fritters (by G)

I didn't know what I felt like eating this night so I just wandered around grazing on street food while I decided and, in the end, that was my dinner.

Apart from the savory pancakes and samosas (which are always excellent) the highlight was the quail egg fritters (that's what I call them anyway).

The guy ladles a batter into super hot egg cup shaped divots in a cast iron pan then cracks in a quail egg, tops with chick peas (I think they are), garlic shallots and - when ordered - tops with a dusting of sesame seeds and flavour dust.

I'm pretty happy with my photo - literally shot from the hip while standing in the street - it conveys the joy that is Quail Egg Fritters. You can bet I'll be trying to replicate these when I get home.

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