Saturday 6 September 2014

Bacon Burger Puffs with Butter Poached Vegetables (by G)

An avid fan of the Blog sent Biggs a pack of Bacon Recipe Playing Cards - in true tortillatuesday style Biggs and I played a game of concentration to decide who got which recipe. The details are a bit sketchy but I ended up with Bacon Burger Puffs.

I think Biggs was hoping to get it as a snack - I decided to incorporate it into a proper dinner.

The burger puffs were created by wrapping layers of mozzarella cheese, bacon, fried beef patty, bacon and cheddar cheese in puff pastry and baking in the oven. The timing was a bit off - I ended up taking the burger puffs out of the oven and blitzing them under the grill to colour them up.

For sides I poached some potato and carrots in butter, I also fried some French shallots in butter. To cut through the butteryness I also quick simmered some snow peas in plain water.

The recipe called for packet au jus. I couldn't locate any of that - I could easily have made some myself but decided to stay true to the recipe and microwaved some packet Dianne finishing sauce - it was appropriately shit. The burger puffs were actually okay - could have used more bacon.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

Yes, this was quite a clever competition entry. The was pretty tasty. I would have interpreted the bacon burger puffs a lot smaller but this was very acceptable.

Unfortunately my entry was served as a brunch item so won't be featured on the blog. The good news is....I WON. Do you know about Biscuits? Biscuits are GOOD.