Tuesday 23 September 2014

Roast Beef Tortillas (by Biggs)

More using up leftovers tonight. In my sights was the left over roast beef from Sunday and half a cucumber. So dinner was, of course, roast beef tortillas with cucumber salsa.

To avoid creating more leftovers I decided to hand-make the tortillas so I could just have four small ones. The bonus here was that it turns out G had only one spoonful of duck fat left so I used that up too.

Added to the cucumber was a small capsicum, a small cob of corn, a small onion and some coriander. I'll be using the rest of the coriander tomorrow.

I also jazzed dinner up with a little yoghurt and some diced tomatoes with sriracha. Fear not, the rest of the sauces will be used tomorrow too.

I'm getting a little addicted to both using leftovers and only creating leftovers I plan to use in the near future. Stay tuned for more.

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