Monday 8 September 2014

Poached Chicken with 3 Cheese Procuito Vegetables (by G)

Biggs and I nearly reached the end of the road last nigh - too much, too soon. Life is too short for such indulgence.

I resolved to save our lives with something fresh and delicious - I went for hospital food.

The chicken was poached in a stock of thyme, garlic, chicken style stock and soy sauce.

I simmered some kipfler potatoes, carrot, baby corn and asparagus in plain water then mixed through some mozzarella, cheddar and parmesan along with some prosciutto. I had to add cheese and prosciutto - life without flavour is barely a life at all. 

1 comment:

Biggs said...

I thought dinner was quite good. It certainly saved my life. Thyme and soy sauce will keep you guessing.....who says that's not flavour.