Friday 26 September 2014

Autumn Fest Sapporo 1 (by G)

It's Autumn Fest in Sapporo, a time when Odori park becomes (I don't know the exact stats but about) 10 blocks of wall-to-wall food and booze from the local area.

Being the savvy little rat that I am I had checked out the food options earlier in the day. Below are not necessarily the best options, but they were the ones that appealed to me the most.

First up Snow Crab - broiled in it's own shell. Mental note, don't grow a carapace that facilitates your own tasty consumption. This was great:

The next two bites came from the same lovely old couple. The sausage was a pleasingly squirty pork sausage (I'm a sucker for any sausage and this was a good one).

Next up a lamb chop - Biggs would go nuts for this. Not so much the cook on it, which was amazing, but the flavour. Great lamb cooked to perfection.

This is basically bacon on a stick - how could I pass on it and how could it be bad?

In my head the sweet shrimp would be awesome, it turned out they were dry and overcooked. I can empathise, I did exactly the same thing a couple of months ago. This was a real disappointment though:
 Damn you tiny stomach, there are so many things I would like to try but I don't have the gastro-capacity. For dessert I wanted to get a cheese pie - from what I could tell it is a short pastry filled with melty cheese. I couldn't find it though, so I went with the below beef rib, cheese steam bun.  I've included the image they sold it to me with rather than the actual image because that is one of the most tempting images I've seen (while mine is not, take in the dark and with reality against it). Okay, the bun didn't quite deliver what was promised in the photo, it was pretty good though - there was a kind of corn puree in there as well. What with the other food and the beer and the whiskey this=>bun=>nearly=>finished=>me - like in a death way.

I would love to have eaten more but, alas, I am but one skinny (but rapidly expanding) man.

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