Saturday 13 September 2014

Harira Lamb Soup (by Biggs)

I found this recipe in the newspaper I bought for our first shrimp boil about two months ago so it's been kicking about in my mind for quite a while. It's a Pete Evan's special and he's a bit of a health nut so I was a little dubious. But, the required four lamb shanks kept me positive about the situation.

Harira Soup is a Moroccan stew. I really like Moroccan flavours and this mix did not disappoint. The base of the soup was chicken stock, onion, celery, cumin, turmeric, ginger, tomatoes and "saffron". When I say "saffron" I mean some lurid orange powder of food colouring. Usually the supermarket has some affordable saffron but this week I could only find two options. One was $13 and the other was.....not saffron. I got the 'imitation saffron powder' just because I was so amused with how bright orange it was and that it's even actually on the market. Bizarre.

The soup also had zucchini, pumpkin, sweet potato and silver-beet as well as the previously mentioned lamb shanks. I freshened it up at the end with some coriander, parsley and lemon.

Well done Pete Evans. Well done.

1 comment:

G said...

Oh boy! This was a good one. It's amazing to have a whole bunch of vegetables without feeling like you've been fed a whole bunch of vegetables - I think the shanks saved it from seeming too healthy.

I ate two bowls full and nearly fatally distended my stomach but that is the risk with flavourful healthy food.