Wednesday 3 September 2014

Deconstructed Devilled Sausages (by Biggs)

I was a little, tiny bit grumpy after work so any dinner plans I may (or may not) have come up with went straight out the window and decided we were going to have sausages.

And chips.

I thought I should 'spice' the sausages up a bit and found a 'devilled sausages' packet mix in the supermarket. It wasn't until I got home that I realised there was a little more involved than just sausages and the packet mix. It said to add apples, tinned tomatoes and onions as well. I didn't have two-thirds of those ingredients but didn't really care. Instead, I fried up some onion and added a squeeze of tomato sauce.

When G worked out we were having sausages for dinner he was so excited that I didn't want to fuck it up so decided to deconstruct it instead by serving the 'Devil' in a bowl beside the sausages.

1 comment:

G said...

I did wonder a bit about the devilling mix - I thought maybe Biggs had added fried onions to barbecue sauce. It has been a while since we have had sausages, I don't know why, but tonight I rediscovered that sausages are awesome.