Thursday 11 September 2014

Shiitake Mushroom and Tofu Bun (by Biggs)

Bonnie and I scored some free tickets to the Spiegeltent tonight so met for Foozing (eating food, drinking booze, our #1 not-so-secret talent) before the gig.  There were two vendors on offer, a wood-fired pizza place and.....Godgriller. The choice was obvious.

My Godgriller selection was a mushroom and tofu bun with chips. It was pretty fucking amazing. The vege burger tasted like bacon and the chips tasted like chicken salt. All very satisfying. I'd hope the gig would be just as satisfying but in the end we found ourselves eating walnut cake on my couch and watching Drunk Histories before it was done. Satisfying in it's own special way.

PS: I know the photo makes it look like a full-blown rocket burger but, trust me, it was a great.....great, great burger.

PPS: Bonnie's experience was a little different to mine. A great, great burger was had but apparently chicken takes a good 20 minutes longer to cook than tofu.

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