Saturday 24 January 2015

Early Australia Day BBQ (by G)

Biggs won't be in the country for Australia day (she will be in Bundaberg) so I though we should have an early celebration with a relaxed after work barbeque.  My plan, which was ultimately not unsuccessful, was to cook a variety of things on the barbeque in stages and maximising the heat of the coals.

Also, I have recently planted a herb garden - it's been 6 days now and I think it is about time it pays its way.

Firstly I picked some of the oregano, Greek basil and thyme chopped it up added some minced garlic and drowned it in a bath of olive oil.  This is the base with which I flavoured everything.

Firstly I marinated the prawns in the oil then foil wrapped a couple of lamb chops and chicken drum-sticks and kipfler potatoes in foil after drizzling over a bit of the flavour oil.

The foil wrapped things went on the BBQ up front, and, after they had been going a while I skewered up the prawns and some seasoned pork belly and bunged them over the coals. Once the pork and prawns were cooked to my satisfaction I de-skewered them, tossed them in more flavoured oil then served them up. 

Meanwhile, the foil wrapped items went into a low oven.

After eating the prawns and pork I de-foiled the chicken, lamb and potatoes and put them over the coals for some colour.

The lamb was ready first so I served the chops up with the potatoes.

Once the chicken was done I served it up with a salad I had made earlier with a tin of 4 bean salad, capers, some finely chopped red onion, some of the herb oil and some finely-chopped-home-grown-triple-curl-parsley.

All of the meats were cooked to my satisfaction - especially the prawns. I think I could have seasoned most of the meats and the salad a little more, but they were cooked through, moist and 100% home cooked.

Wait! I forgot to mention that I had pre-brined the chicken drummies in a garlic brine and used Biggs' newly acquired flavour injector to inject the brine directly into the meat.  The brine didn't come across very aggressively but I think it helped the chicken stay moist throughout my radical triple cooking method.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

Boy. I love a Sunday BBQ. I love an any day BBQ. I particularly love a BBQ that spreads across three meals.

The herbs were delicious. And impressive givien the very small quantities currently available in our garden.

My only question is...why did the potatoes look so much like sausages on the BBQ? Look at that photo. Tell me you wouldn't expect a sausage in your mouth during that meal. Turns out it was a vegetable. Hmmm.....non-traditional.