Friday 9 January 2015

Mushroom, Asparagus, Goat Cheese Pasta (by Biggs)

Urghh. It's been a big week, that followed a huge fortnight, that followed a massive month. I've very rarely cooked in the past couple of months so tonight was a bold night to invite friends over for dinner.

I suspect they even thought it was a bit ambitious given they kept suggesting takeaway. Alas, I powered on....without an actual plan....but, I powered on.

After a wander around the grocery store I came out with some mushrooms, asparagus, pasta and goat cheese thinking that might create a thing.

It sort of did. I fried up the mushrooms and asparagus with shallots and garlic then made a sauce from the goat cheese and some parmesan. The sauce was initially lovely and flavourful but clearly I haven't learnt a thing. Everyone knows flavour plus bland still equals bland. So lovely sauce plus bland pasta, and that's what dinner was....bland. Oh, and I overcooked the pasta. Well done me!

Lucky I served it with prosciutto, bread and plenty of wine.

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