Monday 5 January 2015

Laquered Spatchcock with Vietnamese Rice (by G)

As I was pouring myself a bloody mary the other day I noticed that the tomato juice container had a recipe for Vietnamese Tomato Rice on the back.  I'm pretty dubious on how authentic this recipe is - it seems like a bit of a scam to sell more tomato juice.

I had forgotten to pre-cook the rice so I quickly boiled some then spread it on a tray and popped that into a low oven for about half an hour to dry it out. The recipe for the rice was pretty simple, fry some onion and garlic then add some sugar, tomato paste, tomato juice (of course), soy sauce, salt, pepper and a chopped up omelette. Oh, and the rice, you have to add the rice.  I objected to getting a whole bunch of spring onions for one recipe so I substituted it with shallots and coriander.

I was so taken with the little spatchcock I tried the other day that I decided to get a couple more. I didn't have a recipe for this one I just heated through some soy sauce, sugar, fish sauce and chilli sauce then basted the spatchcock as it oven roasted. Look how pretty it looks - I even took the time to truss it to keep the perfect miniature chicken shape.

Don't mind the black bits, that's flavour.  Actually, the flavour was phenomenal (the chicken that is). The rice was alright.

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