Tuesday 20 January 2015

Mini Tortillas (by G)

I had planned to make burritos for dinner but I forgot to pre-cook some rice to go in them. I could have cooked some fresh and dried it out a bit in the oven - I decided against this, however, when I assessed how much meat I had defrosted.

The meat is some of the leftover 8kg leg of pork that I cooked for my Christmas dinner, and some miscellaneous pork that was labelled 'slow cooked pork requires seasoning 2 serves'. Those two serves referred to the time that I decided Biggs and I should trial reducing our meat intake to save the planet so it wasn't all that much.

Anyway, I fried some red onion, garlic, jalapeno and spices (paprika, coriander and cumin) then added the meat along with a tin of tomatoes, some vegetable stock and water. Then I just let that simmer away until the meat was tender.

I also did a bit of a guacamole with red onion, spring onion, jalapeno, avocado, lime, salt and pepper. I forgot to buy coriander because I just planted out a herb garden and I kind of got into my head that I would never have to buy coriander again... the coriander plant is still rather small at the moment so there was no real opportunity to use home-grown. I did cut off a couple of sprigs for garnish and then promptly forgot to add it.

As for the tortillas, I hand made them. Almost immediately I could tell the dough wasn't right - too springy - and that subsequently the tortillas would not be right so I divided it into about 14 portions and made tiny not-quite-right tortillas. They were a bit thick and ridged...

1 comment:

Biggs said...

This was good. G is critical of his tortillas but hopefully this just means practice, practice, practice so there's a lot more tortilla eating in my future.