Saturday 3 January 2015

Party Party Food (by Biggs)

Tonight I was at my friend Aaron's 40th - a glorious affair with lots of food, more booze than you could imagine and some seriously classic (and a few non-traditional) dance moves. 

Amanda and I were stationed in the kitchen to man the ovens and cycled these babies through to perfection. I was initially a bit disgruntled volunteering for a party chore but it turns out this one comes with the benefit of sidelining a private portion of goodies for yourself. Yum!

The amusing thing is that Aaron found the catering company by losing his wallet. He drove off with it on the roof of his car but someone handed it into a local shop. When he went to retrieve it they let him know who handed it in so he could thank them. When he went to thank them he discovered they run a catering catering sorted!

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