Saturday 23 November 2013

Blade Roast, Egg Plant and Mushrooms (by G)

I managed to get up early and haul my carcass to the markets, so I though I should get all the requirements for a dinner meal.

The butcher van had some good looking beef blade roast so I got a small one of those - which I covered sprinkled with salt and pepper (and large quantities of rosemary and thyme that were provided by an anonymous donor).  I then fried the meat on both sides then put it in the oven for about an hour and a half. While it the meat was resting I mixed some packet gravy with the meat juices (yep, I'm lazy).

Instead of making a super-fine duxelld (as I have in the past) I made a chunkier version with diced mushrooms, spring onion and more thyme fried in butter then topped with feta.  I also got some little aubergines at the market which I just oven baked in oil with some salt, pepper and cumin.

It was all not too bad - I thought the meat was a bit gristly. I'm not sure why the photo turned out like it was taken in the 1950's...

1 comment:

Biggs said...

Brown on brown on brown. All very tasty. The eggplants were surprisingly good, mushrooms always a winner, meat - my favourite.

There was an amazingly crispy bit of roast end leftover that G wouldn't let me have for dessert. I hope that means we're having roast beef rolls in our near future.