Tuesday 5 November 2013

Vegetarian Tortillas (by G)

I'm still a bit meat shy after the giant meat sandwich the other day (actually, I'm death shy - which is pretty much the same thing). I had to make tortillas today (being Tuesday) and I though... vegetable tortillas... why not.

Mushrooms are the meat of the vegetable world so I chopped up a shit load of those and treated them just the same way I would with pork mince - except that I forgot to buy onions.  The mushrooms were fried with spring onions then paprika and cumin were added, then a tin of tomatoes and the leftover chicken and mushroom stock from yesterday. Once it was good and thick I added a bit of homemade chilli sauce for a little bit of heat and served.

Served with the mushroom mush was a salsa of coriander, capsicum, cucumber, lime and salt (red onion would have been awesome but, as discussed earlier, I forgot all required onions).  Also, I served some pickled radishes I pickled the other day to cut through the richness of some rich dish but forgot to serve).

Astute vegetarians would note that tonight's dinner was not strictly vegetarian - it was pretty close though... tasty though.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

I hope these vegetables fix me.