Monday 11 May 2015

Fried Rice (by Biggs)

I had MASSIVE amounts of roast pork left over from Sunday so was keen to utilise it in dinner tonight. Fried rice was the obvious choice but I was a bit nervous because a) G is a fried rice connoisseur and b) I'm fairly shit at cooking rice.

I was almost saved from cooking by an evening work meeting. I would have still provided the household with dinner but it would have been fried rice bought from a local takeaway with the left over pork mixed through. Alas, the work meeting was cancelled so my hand was forced.

I forgot to buy important things like onion, garlic and ginger so just went with bacon, egg, carrot, peas and well as the pork. Flavours were just oyster and soy sauce, white pepper and salt. Not to mention the parsley, oregano and rosemary from the pork. Italian and Asian flavours all in one dinner. Odd, yes? But strangely satisfying.

There was also meant to be spring onion but I stupidly sliced it up and put it aside in preparation but forgot to add it at the last minute.

1 comment:

G said...

This was a unique combination of flavours of the highest order. I don't recall having rosemary flavours in fried rice.

Despite that, in an odd sort of a way, everything combined to create deliciousness. Though I ate a lot I wish my stomach had been big enough to eat more. Biggs did make a mountain of the stuff.