Saturday 23 May 2015

Pizzas! Again! (by G)

Early on Saturday evening I decided to play 'Duncan's Thai Kitchen Drinking Game' - it is one of a variety of cooking show drinking games that Biggs and I have devised. This one is simple, you watch 'Duncan's Thai Kitchen' and take a drink every time Duncan says 'OK' or 'and then'.

It doesn't sound too promising, but, after 33 drinks over the course of half an hour I was feeling a bit drowsy and drifted into a light slumber. By the time I had awoken several hours later I discovered that I was a bit to late to prepare dinner and contacted a specialist to provide the necessary sustenance.

Along with pizza I got chicken ribs, some chicken ball things and garlic bread. I can't be too critical - this is much better than anything I was willing to prepare for dinner.

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