Monday 22 July 2013

Deep Fried Pork Ribs and Wanton (by G)

Okay, so the photos loaded in the reverse order to the title - I could not be bothered fixing that right now.  They are shown in the order in which they came (the wantons were so tasty I ate two before I got around to photographing them).

The wantons were not unlike most wantons you get anywhere in terms of flavour but they were just out of the deep fryer so not soggy at all and light like little crunchy clouds.

The pork ribs were delicious - like Kentucky Fried Pork - crispy and savoury with a hint of star anise or clove or something. When I tasted these I instantly realised that (were I a more motivated kind of fellow) I would go into business to franchise a chain of KFP restaurants.  I didn't eat much of the chilli sauce - it was just raw chilli and took away from the flavour of the pork. I regret not ordering a larger batch of these but I guess restraint should be exercised sometimes.

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